It’s probably prudent to be skeptical in response to the accelerating flurry of discordant online views, opinions and rantings concerning the covid-19 pandemic, and our government’s actions. Even so, when I first read the email passed on to me by my friend, I was troubled. Was this real, or just another conspiracy theory with some truth thrown in to encourage belief? I was reluctant to delete it, in case what appeared to be preposterous turned out to contain a dose of reality. The main message of the email is that at the highest levels of the Canadian government, there are plans to bring in disruptive changes that would make a lot of citizens deeply uncomfortable. Equally disturbing is the email’s assertion that influential figures from a variety of sectors worldwide are collaborating with governments in an international effort to unhinge our way of life.
It was after reading The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, that I decided to delve a little deeper. Schwab is founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, whose membership includes many of the globe’s largest corporations and leaders with immense clout in various realms. There are indications that even before there was a pandemic, members of the Forum were already making plans to combat it. As is well known, some conspiracy theorists, and also others, believe the virus was developed in a lab and may have been accidentally or deliberately allowed to escape.
The afore mentioned email (dated Oct. 10, 2020) came from a government employee in Ottawa. It was purported to have been written by an MP sitting on a government committee. The writer does not self-identify, but outlines what supposedly is the government’s plan to deal with resistance to the vaccine, lockdown plans and other measures. It begins with “I’m not happy doing this, but as a Canadian and as a parent I want a better future for our children. 30 percent of a committee on which I sit are not pleased with the direction government policy will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored.”
According to the email, the road map laid out by the PMO contains the following. Phase in secondary lockdown restrictions on a rolling basis, rush the acquisition or construction of isolation facilities across Canada, projected covid-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (covid-21). Daily new cases to exceed medical care facilities capacity, resulting in many more deaths. Enhanced lock down restrictions (Third Lock Down) implemented. Full travel restrictions, (including inter-province and inter-city). Projected supply chain breakdowns, inventory shortages, large economic instability. The email provides a timetable for how this is expected to unfold.
The email states further that “in order to offset an economic collapse on an international scale, the government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.), with all funding provided by the IMF, under what will become known as the World Debt Reset Program. In exchange for this total debt forgiveness, the individual must forfeit ownership of any property and assets forever. Such individuals would also agree to accept the covid-19 vaccine. Any individual refusing to cooperate would be relocated to an isolation facility. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has made it clear nothing will stop their planned outcome.”
At this time I’m not yet convinced the email is authentic, even though some of what it alludes to is already happening. I do believe however, we are on the cusp of unprecedented global change. Pronouncements by some world leaders indicate they view the pandemic as an opportunity to bring about and shape the change. A statement on the World Economic Forum website supports this view. It says, “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting the Great Reset initiative.”
Will this Great Reset, (whatever it is) impact citizens of the Similkameen Valley? Accelerating technological change almost certainly ensures it will. Whether the change will be beneficial or detrimental remains to be seen. In the meantime, I plan to focus on what is good in my life. I will also remain skeptical. We certainly do live in strange times.