At about 1pm Friday, July 10, 2020 a biker traveling in the west bound lane of the Hope-Princeon Highway was fortunate to escape with his life. His mangled bike lay in a shallow ditch and he was sitting slumped in the same ditch, about 3 meters from the bike. Although he had been thrown some distance, he was conscious but likely in shock. Several east bound bikers had stopped to give assistance. These were large men, with tattoos along the full length of their arms. Emergency crews had not yet arrived so two bikers were talking to the man and examining has injured leg.

The accident happened about half way between Manning Park Lodge and Sunshine Valley Resort. Two police cruisers, a fire truck and an ambulance had been dispatched from Hope, at least half an hour away traveling at high speed. Traffic was fairly light at the time and the road was dry. Individuals on the scene could only speculate as to the cause.