It ‘s well known by longterm Hedley people that Bremner Lance has plenty of experience working in the woods. As a logger his work has taken him into some challenging, rugged terrain. When we began hearing the incessant buzz of a chainsaw in Hedley recently, we weren’t surprised to see that the operator was Bremner. He began by trimming the branches and was ready to take the tree down piece by piece. Silhouetted against the vastness of the sky, he was a lonely figure, seemingly in another world. This type of situation requires a robust physique and nerves that do not falter. There is no tolerance for complacency or befuddled thinking up there. Not if you want to live. Observing Bremner, I could tell he was totally focused and apparently not at all scared. It’s not work for the faint of heart. Definitely not work I have ever felt called to.
I do not know if this is the same person, but there was a logger that lived in the house behind the Country store. His wife did some hair-dressing….
Around 1988 a storm came rumbling down the canyon through 20 mile creek. It sounded like a freight train coming. I took shelter in the Fire Hall and waited it out…
After it had passed, there was numerous trees felled all over the village.
The logger was hired to buck-up the trees. He was a big fellow and I cannot remember his name.
Maybe someone else from Hedley will remember…
Once again – I wish Hedley well
correction on the date, it would have been 1998 not 1988