With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I asked Jesse Regier and Ashtine Nair for a conversation, thinking their story might be quite unconventional, and interesting. Over coffee and Linda’s cookies, they talked about meeting online. “I found her there when I was looking through the catalogue, searching for pretty girls,” Jesse said.
Cupid’s first arrow went badly awry and their budding online romance just about withered. “It was 2012 and we were both in Alberta,” Jesse recalled. “Ashtine lived two hours away and we were having cold weather. I had only my motor cycle for transportation to our first date. On the way I realized I’d freeze if I continued, so I turned around and called her.”
Ashtine picked up the story. “He wanted to reschedule and I agreed, but I told him if he cancelled again, that would be the end.” Realizing she wasn’t a woman to be trifled with, Jesse made the effort, even though the timing was against him.
“I’d been in a fight the night before,” he said. “I had two black eyes, my face was bruised. swollen badly and bandaged. I hadn’t shaved.” Not a face to inspire love at first sight.
Another woman would almost certainly have slammed the door upon seeing him. “I wasn’t sure about this character,” Ashtine said. “His eyes were just slits, but he had driven two hours in stormy weather. I felt he deserved a chance to show who he was behind that bruised face.” It was an impressive demonstration of patience and understanding, essential qualities in a relationship.
They continued to see each other, but before making a longterm commitment Jesse wanted to deal with his $20,000 debt and establish himself in a career. “I did a lot of things, including carpentry, security, delivering papers and tree planting.” He lived in his pickup truck one summer to save money and pay off debts. While still in Alberta he took a truck driving course. For a time he drove a ready mix truck in summer and worked in the oil patch in winter.
Ashtine obtained a degree in Business Administration and Strategic Measurement. They were planning for a life together and were determined to be successful. “The degree was a step in our plan to one day have our own business,” she said.
They were married in June 2, 2018. “Jesse arrived a couple of hours early for the wedding,” Ashtine recalled. “I was getting my hair done and came late.” Possibly a little pay back for Jesse missing that first date?
They consider themselves fortunate to have had good role models while growing up. “My mother was Catholic,” Ashtine said. “My father was an aircraft mechanic and at that time a non-practising Hindu. They worked through differences and have stayed together.” There was a note of deep respect in her voice.
Jesse’s experience was quite different. “My Dad had an aneurysm while working on a railroad maintenance crew,” he said. “He lost the ability to walk and talk and needed to relearn these. He persevered. Mom became a nurse to support the family, while Dad looked after us kids and ran the farm. I was about age 4 and my brother Jacob was two. My parents were young and it was a tough time for them, but they rebuilt their lives.”
Coping with Terry’s medical crises made the Regiers strong, a good source of life advice. “Dad told me to always complete what I take on,” Jesse said.
“My Mom and Aunt stressed the importance of pushing through the hard stuff,” Ashtine said. Jesse and Ashtine have pushed through some challenges and now are embarking on a new adventure. He drives a logging truck for a Princeton company. “They treat me well and I like driving,” he said. “It provides the income we need for our business plan.”
“We recently bought the River House on Highway 3 and have started a B&B,” Ashtine added. “We want to have a cafe and convenience store one day. We plan to sell creations made by local artisans.”
At the end of our conversation I told them I’d like to take a few photos. When Linda, trying to be helpful, suggested Jesse might want to run a comb through his unruly hair, Ashtine laughed. “He likes it that way,” she said. Together they have a good deal of character and personality. Clearly, in time Cupid’s arrow did find its mark.