This past weekend the annual summer Hedley Street Dance once again drew a lively crowd. There were plenty of faces Linda and I didn’t recognize. We know some people travelled a considerable distance to be here. Music was provided by “The Stormriders,” a Kootenay based band. Our new neighbour, Dave Tailby, an accomplished and respected musician was on stage as a guest. He will likely continue performing with “The Stormriders.”

The band shell was constructed Saturday morning in about 4 hours by several Hedley men. Mike Galics and Viktorya Bratt are 2 of the key organizers of the event which is sponsored each year by the Hedley Community Club. Viktorya’s parents, Doug and T.J. Bratt, have long played a leading role in the club and in organizing the dance. Mike emphasized that a number of individuals had given time and energy to make the dance happen. Mylah, Mike and Viktorya’s daughter, jumped into this scene at the last moment without being prompted. Her enthusiasm for being in a picture with her parents was a delight.

Everyone who bought a ticket for the event was treated to a sumptuous meal consisting of a variety of salads donated by very generous local ladies, baked potatoes and bbq chicken. People in our community know when Doug Bratt is manning the grill, it will be tempting to go for seconds. A number of individuals did.

A section of Hedley’s main street (Scott Avenue) was closed off for the event and tables and chairs were set out for the meal. At the table where Linda and I were seated were 2 very pretty young women, citizens of Mexico. They are currently picking fruit in the Cawston area. Prior to this they had been picking mushrooms in the Yukon. In Mexico Ale (left) is a graphic designer. Her friend, Susy, does bike tours for tourists in Mexico. Each morning before going out to pick fruit, she does a long bike ride to maintain her conditioning. Both seemed pleased that I wanted to take their picture.

Whether people danced, or just sat on the sidelines and enjoyed the scene and the music, it seemed everyone was having a good time.