This innocent appearing shed has attained a local history which I feel is worth recording, some of it going back well into the last century. An earlier owner of the property on which it was located used an oil burning stove for heat in the house. The oil was stored in a 45 gallon drum which was kept in the shed. Possibly at the same time, but maybe in subsequent years, the shed also held a washer and dryer. When Angelique Wood purchased the property at least a dozen years ago, she housed her egg laying chickens in it. She was generous, and at least a few neighbours benefited.
“When the egg laying became sporadic,” she said, “I changed the purpose of the shed to a home for my 2 dogs.” The windows became an “art gallery.”
The shed became a reason for rancor and criticism of Angelique. She had moved it onto the road allowance and a few individuals in town pounced on this as an opportunity to undermine her reputation. She had won the election for Area G Director, and they may have resented this. They may also have disliked her political views. Because the shed was at least partially on the road allowance, it was an easy lightening rod for their discontent. For some years, a number of people have stored unlicensed vehicles on the road allowance in front of their properties. This never became a similarly contentious issue.

Wanting to remove this source of irritation, Angelique and her partner Travis decided to dismantle the shed this weekend. Undoubtedly, everyone will now be happy.

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