Two Hedley men with big hearts painted Margaret Skaar’s house at no cost to her, except for the paint. Local fabric artist, Karen Cummings, helped Margaret select the colours. Ken Hoyle and Roy Evans, and also Karen, are quite new to the community. “Margaret has given time and energy to the community for many years,” Ken said. “We wanted to do something for her.”

Andrew & Bonnie Kozley came from Alberta to donate a mining photo to the Hedley museum. Andrew’s father & uncle and several cousins worked at the Nickel Plate Mine. Andrew is the brother of former long term resident, Mary Leslie (deceased). He has had the picture for many years. His nephew, Thom Leslie (deceased), an earlier President of the Hedley Museum, suggested a number of times that the picture be given to the museum.

When Mark Woodcock saw the sturdy stick (actually a club) I carried on hikes into the wilderness along 20 Mile Creek, he said, “that isn’t good enough. I’ll make something better for you.” “I need something sturdy,” I told him, “in case I have to defend myself against a bear or cougar.” A week later he appeared at our door holding a very nice walking stick. My name is burned into it & it has the points of the compass so I don’t get lost. It also has a cross, rabbit tracks & flowers engraved on it. Since then he has produced more of these creations & has made them available in the gift shop at the Hedley Museum.
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