When Linda was nominated 2 years ago for the position of vice president of the Hedley Historical Museum, she agreed to let her name stand. She said I’m willing to be vice president, but I’ll never be president. At the AGM a year later that scenario was repeated. Then Jean Robinson, the energetic president decided she wouldn’t run again this year.
No one was willing to accept the responsibility and the future of the Museum was in jeopardy. Some suggested the organization temporarily close its doors and take a Sabbatical. Linda felt that if this was done, restarting would be more difficult than carrying on. She agreed to be president for one year.
Several members of the executive had worked hard for several years and wanted a break. Linda wasn’t sure she would be able to find replacements. Fortunately, Debra Pearson, who is new in Hedley, accepted the position of vice president and has been a willing and enthusiastic partner for Linda. Ruth Woodin, who recently retired as Hedley Post Master, agreed to be secretary. Margaret Skaar, the society’s astute treasurer, is staying on.
Currently they are advertising for volunteers who will be on duty at the Museum one or more days per week. An honorarium is available for these positions. They are also inviting applications for 2 student positions for the summer months. These will be funded by the federal government.

For several weeks volunteers have been showing up at the Museum to repair, paint, clean, and organize. (Unfortunately, a number of them were not photographed.)

For the past 2 years the Museum Tea Room has served coffee, tea, pop, and delicious home made pies. This year local resident Margaret King will again supply lemon meringue pies. Handcrafted items by local artisans will be on display and for sale.
Opening day will be May 4, 2018, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. On May 26 the Museum will celebrate Stamp Mill Day. Until the supply of gold was exhausted, the stamps could be heard day and night, crushing the ore. It was located on the ridge overlooking Hedley. Stamp Mill Day will feature a $5.00 pancake breakfast at the Seniors’ Centre and a noon meal of beef on a bun and salads at the Museum. Entertainment will be provided by popular blue grass musicians, George Huber and Colleen Cox.
Watch for other special events throughout the summer. You are welcome!
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