The Creator’s paint brush has been sprucing up the landscape this month. We’re enjoying it, knowing that the darker colours of late autumn are also beginning to be etched in. Linda and I love standing on either of the bridges in town, gazing along 20 Mile Creek. The shadings of colour are altered a little each day. At this time the water flow is meagre. The weatherman isn’t promising us much precipitation yet. Normally we can expect the first sprinklings of snow in November. That will bring another kind of beauty.
We’re beginning to see plumes of smoke streaming up from chimneys. Some of our wood burning neighbours have their stock in and under cover. A few still have a lot of sweating to do before the wood is ready for the stove.
Schizandra and Evangeline bring a welcome ray of sunshine in autumn, and every other season. It’s a joy to observe their light footed scampering. They love giving away little pictures they have drawn. On Sunday Evangeline gave me a cookie in church. The girls were pretty standoffish for some time. Lately they have at times made friendly overtures.

This morning the sun began lighting up the top of Stemwinder Mtn. just before 9 am. We watch for that because it means the sun will be streaming into our rear windows in about half an hour.
Autumn is a season to enjoy.
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