Earlier in summer, a hail and wind storm invaded our community. Last week it was serious rain and wind. Our friend, Lynn Wells, lives on “Hospital Hill”. She’s long enjoyed a Box Elder, that is quite near her new modular home.

Box Elders grow to a considerable height, with far reaching limbs. Lynn had long prized this tree because it provided shade for a large portion of her yard. They have a fairly small root ball and generally last no more than 40-50 years, according to Hedley arbourist Travis Barck. “They’re actually a junk tree,” he said.
When the storm hit, Lynn went to check on her bee hive at the lower end of her large lot. She wanted to be certain they would not be in danger if the weather continued to deteriorate. Having assured herself the bees were ok, she turned and began carefully retracing her steps. The accelerating wind threatened to knock her to the ground.

Crouching, to avoid being blown down, she glanced up at her coveted large shade tree. It was leaning toward the house. Horrified, she watched as it slowly began tipping in that direction. Lifting one arm in the air, she desperately shouted “no! no! no!”
The Box Elder settled fairly gently on the roof. At this time, it seems no damage was done and Lynn is grateful. She’s a pretty easy going lady.