Once again the Hedley Museum’s annual Harvest Dinner was a virtual sell-out and a huge success. Ninety seven guests filled the Senior’s Centre Saturday night to enjoy a palate pleasing feast. Out of town people came from Keremeos, Cawston, Old Hedley Road, and Princeton. For $10 a plate, they were treated to turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, various vegetables and more. Pie and other desserts topped off the culinary extravaganza.
Museum President, Jean Robinson said, “We always invite all the communities of the Similkameen Valley, and we are pleased at how many out of town people came.” She mentioned that 6 free dinners were delivered to individuals who have difficulty getting out. It was evident that this gave her great satisfaction. “It’s what the community does,” she said.
She stressed that the dinner was a real team effort. “People donated much of the food. Some served the meals and when it was over, we had help cleaning up. I’m very pleased.”